We're looking for partners. champions. participants. supporters. friends.
Support our work and make a difference today!
Although Camphill Communities California does receive public funding, we are dependent upon the generosity of donors like you.
Our Pledge to You: We are committed to the highest standards of fiscal responsibility and will insure that your gifts are used efficiently and wisely. We will honor your wishes when contacting you via mail, email or phone. We will remove your name from our mailing list at any time at your request. We will protect your internet privacy and security by using a secure server and never sharing your personal information. View our Gift Policy here.
Previous & Ongoing Projects
Solar Project
Fund A Need for Chrysalis House ADU
Does your company or business make matching gifts? If your company is eligible, request a matching gift form. Once you have filled it out, return it to them with your gift receipt from Camphill California. The impact of your gift to Camphill California will be doubled or possibly tripled! Some companies even match gifts made by retirees and/or spouses.
By naming Camphill California as a beneficiary of your estate, you can support the long-term viability of Camphill California and support the lifetime needs of our friends (adults with developmental disabilities). Your family likely will also pay fewer taxes from your estate because of the gift.
If you would like more information or sample language you can use when writing a bequest please contact Director of Development and Outreach Anya Hobley: anyahobley@comphillca.org. Be sure to include our tax ID #94-3261684 when making your estate plans.
If you would like to sponsor an upcoming Camphill event as an individual or business sponsor, please contact our Development Office: giving@camphillca.org
To give a gift to a current or future Capital Need, please contact Director of Development and Outreach Anya Hobley: anyahobley@comphillca.org. Here is an update on our latest project: the Ishi House pool and outdoor community space!